Discovery Academy

Things to do in Provo Utah

Discovery Academy

105 N 500 W
Provo, UT 84601
(801) 374-2121

Located in the historic Provo 3rd Ward building is the Discovery Academy, a therapeutic boarding school.

Discovery Academy Boarding School serves students ages 13-17. There are separate programs for boys and girls with opportunities for appropriate co-ed interaction.

Student body is limited to just 32 girls and 50 boys.

Founded in 1992

Historic Provo 3rd Ward Building

  • Year Built: 1901 – 1903
  • Original Cost:  $11,000
  • Adjoining amusement hall top floor: 1913,
  • Adjoining amusement hall lower floor:  1926

The Provo Third Ward Chapel and Amusement Hall served not only as a chapel for worship, but also provided a place for dances, musicals, sports, and other activities.

During World War II, the amusement hall was transformed into an army barracks for Army Specialized Training Units associated with BYU.

Sold by the LDS Church in 1979 and housed a restaurant and private academies.

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