Provo City Utilities

Call Denise Martin or Jessica Rowley, Utah’s Nicest Realtor to buy or sell a home

PROVO311 handles all Utility Billing as well as connections or disconnections. Simply dial 311 or if you are outside of Provo City limits dial (801) 852-6000.

Their knowledgeable customer service department can quickly and  efficiently help you. If you are new to Provo City, 311 can help you get your water and power hooked up.

​They can even help you understand your billing statement, and of course help you pay your bill, or even set up automatic bill pay.

Electric Service in Provo, UT

Provo Power

For utility account services (electricity, water, garbage), please contact Provo 311 Customer Service.

​Simply dial 3-1-1 in Provo City limits or call 801-852-6000.
You can also visit the customer service office located at 351 West Center Street Provo.

The Provo Energy Department provides reliable electricity with superior customer service at a competitive price to the residents and businesses in Provo. The Department operates and maintains over 35,000 meters, 380 miles of distribution lines, 48 miles of transmission lines and 18 substation transformers. Provo City Power is the largest municipally owned electric utility in the state.

Natural Gas Service in Provo, UT

Dominion Energy

P.O. Box 45360
Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0360
Dominion Energy employs over 17,000 people in 15 states, providing service to nearly 7 million customers.
Headquartered in Richmond, VA, Dominion invests in communities where they live and work, and protect our natural resources.

Trash Pick-up in Provo, UT

Provo Sanitation

The Sanitation Division provides garbage pickup, green yard waste recycling, and other solid waste community services.
View the Provo Sanitation Schedule
For utility account services (electricity, water, garbage), please contact Provo 311 Customer Service.

Simply dial 3-1-1 in Provo City limits or call 801-852-6000.
You can also visit the customer service office located at 351 West Center Street Provo. 

Water & Sewer

Provo Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining over 610 miles of streets, curb gutter and sidewalk, snow removal and over 90 traffic signals. Collecting 25,000 containers of garbage, green waste and recyclables. Delivering on average 25,000 gallons of fresh water through 384 miles of water main to over 18,000 water connections, processing on the average of 15 million gallons of waste water daily at the reclamation plant, keeping clear over 123 miles of storm drain and managing all functions at the Provo City Airport. Managing the fleet of city cars, trucks, construction equipment, emergency vehicles and sanitation trucks is also done at the public works facility.

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