Riverbottoms Real Estate

Homes for Sale in Provo Utah

Denise Martin is Utah’s Nicest Realtor (801) 602-9552 to buy or sell a home.

Riverbottoms Real Estate

The Riverbottoms Neighborhood is Provo most prestigious and wealthy neighborhood. Several gated communities are sprinkled between established neighborhoods, business centers, and the popular Shops at Riverwoods.

Riverbottoms Neighborhood Parks

Riverview Park

4620 N 300 W
Provo, UT 84604
(801) 852-6606

Provo River Parkway

Runs along the Provo River from Utah Lake to Vivian Park in Provo Canyon.

Stutz Park

531 W 3700 N
Provo, UT 84604
(801) 852-6606

The Shop at Riverwoods

  • Splash Pad
  • Center Stage
  • Move Theaters

4801 N University
Provo, UT 84604
(801) 802-8430

Riverbottoms Neighborhood Schools

Canyon Crest Elementary

4664 N Canyon Rd
Provo, UT 84604
(801) 221-9989

Centennial Middle School

305 E 2320 N
Provo, UT 84604
(801) 370-4621

Timpview High School

3570 Timpview Dr
Provo, UT 84604
(801) 221-9720

84604 Rock Canyon Neighborhood Demographics & Statistics

  • 84604 Estimated Population = 49,145
  • 84604 Race – White = 89%
  • 84604 Race – Hispanic = 8%
  • 84604 Race – Other = 3%
  • 84604 Owner Occupied Homes = 53%
  • 84604 Renter Occupied Homes = 47%
  • 84604 Median Household Income =
  • 61,310
  • Congressional District = Utah 3rd

Call, Text, or Email Denise Martin to Buy or Sell a Provo Home

Denise Martin (801) 602-9552 | Team@HomeRealty.com

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