Joaquin Real Estate

Homes for Sale in Provo Utah

Denise Martin is Utah’s Nicest Realtor (801) 602-9552 to buy or sell a home.

Joaquin Real Estate

Known as the BYU zone, Joaquin is one of the best known, and most controversial, neighborhoods in Provo. Many of the houses have multiple tenants living in the main house plus both the upstairs and the basements. This causes parking and crowding problems, which the city as tried many ideas to correct.  However, some of the most classic homes in Provo and located in this area and many investors crave obtaining a house, condo, or town house in the neighborhood for the easy rental to BYU Students.

In 1849, when the first settlers moved into Fort Utah, the construction of homes, schools, and churches in the Joaquin Neighborhood was still over two decades away. The history of the neighborhood is inextricably tied to Brigham Young Academy and its evolution into Brigham Young University.

The first purpose built home of the Academy, now the Provo City Library at Academy Square, still stands on University Avenue between 500 and 600 North, on the edge of the Joaquin neighborhood.

The university’s first student housing, Amanda Knight Hall, stands on the southeast corner of University Avenue and 800 North and the current campus forms the entire northern boundary of the neighborhood.

Some of Provo’s most prominent homes line the streets of Joaquin. Many were built on the corners of the neighborhood’s original quarter block lots. The physical development of the neighborhood traces many decades and important phases in the growth of Provo and Utah County.

​Some of the oldest homes in Provo lie to the west and south edges of the neighborhood within the original 4 acre block plat, while the eastern edge of the neighborhood is primarily composed of inter war and post WWII housing built to accommodate the influx of workers at Geneva Steel and the rapid post war expansion of Brigham Young University.

Churches and schools followed the development of homes in the area. In 1860, the Provo Fourth Ward schoolhouse was built at 100 East and 100 North. The building was used for church services until 1866 when the 4th Ward Chapel was constructed.

Joaquin Neighborhood Plan

Joaquin Real Estate Neighborhood Parks

North Park

500 N 500 W
Provo, UT 84601
(801) 852-6606

Pioneer Park

500 W Center Street
Provo, UT 84601
(801) 852-6606

Joaquin Park

400 E 400 N
Provo, UT 84606
(801) 852-6606

Joaquin Real Estate Neighborhood Schools

Timpanogos Elementary

449 N 500 W
Provo, UT 84601
​(801) 374-4955

Dixon Middle School

750 200 N
Provo, UT 84601
(801) 374-4980

Provo High School

1199 N. Lakeshore Dr
Provo, UT 84601
(801) 373-6550

Call, Text, or Email Denise Martin to Buy or Sell a Provo Home

Denise Martin (801) 602-9552 |

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